[TowerTalk] Broadband Match of 80/75M Dipole

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Apr 19 14:22:35 EDT 2019

In my limited experience, no. My high (120-140 ft), coax-fed resonant 
80M dipoles exhibit VERY high SWR on 30M.  A good tuner might put some 
power on the transmission line, but the loss would be very high. The 
fact that they don't hear well on 30m is a clue.

73, Jim K9YC

On 4/19/2019 4:42 AM, Mpridesti wrote:
> Hi Jim
> Thanks for sharing the prez.
> Question:  am considering recabling my 80 Inverted Vee as suggested. Any speculation on its performance on 30 m?

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