[TowerTalk] C31XR internitted high SWR

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Tue Sep 10 21:28:36 EDT 2019

I have used this antenna as a guest op in the Caribbean and found the  
15m SWR to be constantly high in the phone band. The SWR can jump if  
the elements touch in the wind.  If it's not windy at your QTH perhaps  
you have a bad element connection?

John KK9A

hb9afi wrote:

hello antenna experts

I have an intermitted high SWR on 20 and 15 m; comes and goes; never on 10
could it be a faulty Balun or  a loose coax connector or something else ?

thanks for your hints

kurt HB9AFI

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