[TowerTalk] 40m, 7200-7300 SW broadcast ?

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Sep 19 09:01:54 EDT 2019

For  you folks  on  the  WEST coast,  how  much  SW  AM  broadcast activity do you hear  at NIGHT,  on  7200-7300 khz ?? 
I  can not listen  on  40m  at  the  moment.   IF  7200-7300  is  chockfull of broadcast junk, I would be  inclined to  focus on
7000-7200.   But being a ssb ragchewer,  and  occasional cw op,  IF  the  entire  300  khz is  useable, I  will  opt  to
to  install the  myriad of  vac  relay  boxes onto the  yagi.    If  7200-7300 is a nightly  mess,  it  would  be  pointless 
to  install any  of  it. 

Tnx....  Jim    VE7RF 

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