[TowerTalk] 40m, 7200-7300 SW broadcast ?

Glenn Pritchard gpritchard7000 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 09:17:56 EDT 2019

Hi Jim
Not much there any more. Some religious broadcast stuff, an occasional ratty foreign station and some Asian broadcasts.
All in all it’s more usable now than it was 10 years ago.
I’m on 40 now and not a peep at 06:00.

Glenn, VA7UO 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 19, 2019, at 6:01 AM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:
> For  you folks  on  the  WEST coast,  how  much  SW  AM  broadcast activity do you hear  at NIGHT,  on  7200-7300 khz ?? 
> I  can not listen  on  40m  at  the  moment.   IF  7200-7300  is  chockfull of broadcast junk, I would be  inclined to  focus on
> 7000-7200.   But being a ssb ragchewer,  and  occasional cw op,  IF  the  entire  300  khz is  useable, I  will  opt  to
> to  install the  myriad of  vac  relay  boxes onto the  yagi.    If  7200-7300 is a nightly  mess,  it  would  be  pointless 
> to  install any  of  it. 
> Tnx....  Jim    VE7RF 
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