[TowerTalk] zero RFI float charger for 12V battery

Wes wes_n7ws at triconet.org
Sat Jul 25 21:37:24 EDT 2020

I probably told you about them.  Iota is here in Tucson and eons ago I 
moonlighted for some of the principals at another startup company.

I've also used their stuff in my RV and have recommended them many times.

That said, the OP is looking for a wall wart size unit.

Wes  N7WS

On 7/25/2020 5:50 PM, Bob Turner wrote:
> Look at the IOTA line of (switcher) PS.  I first heard about them on the RFI reflector about 10 years ago.  I've had mine for about 5 years.  They are RFI quiet, at least my DLS-75 is.  It’s a 3 or 4 stage charger (can't remember), with an option to increase the float voltage by plugging in a jumper.   The jumper is also used to select what type of battery as they have different voltage characteristics.  I have the jumper plugged in on mine, gives a solid 14.2v to my shack.
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Wes
> Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 8:25 PM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] zero RFI float charger for 12V battery
> Maybe Jameco:
> https://www.jameco.com/shop/StoreCatalogDrillDownView?langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&position=1&refineType=2&sub_attr_name=Primary%20Output%20Voltage%20(VDC)&refineValue=6%20%3C%3D%20%20%3C%2013&refine=1&history=8t8d8frn%7CsubCategoryName~Power%2BSupplies%2B%2526%2BWall%2BAdapters%5Erdtvalue~Power-Supplies-Wall-Adapters%5Ecategory~45%5EcategoryName~category_root%5EprodPage~25%5Epage~SEARCH%252BNAV%40gig6ohxx%7Ccategory~4535%5EcategoryName~cat_45%5Eposition~1%5Erefine~1%5EsubCategoryName~Power%2BSupplies%2B%2526%2BWall%2BAdapters%2B%252F%2BAC-to-DC%2BLinear%2BRegulated%5EprodPage~25%5Epage~SEARCH%252BNAV
> Wes  N7WS
> On 7/25/2020 12:22 PM, jimlux wrote:
>> On 7/25/20 12:17 PM, jimlux wrote:
>>> I'm putting some remote gear (tuner & relay boxes) at the antenna
>>> base that runs off a standard 12V-7Ah battery (control is via WiFi)
>>> that runs the microcontroller and energizes the relays, etc.  Average
>>> load is low, peak load is high.
>>> I've got a nice inexpensive powersonic wallwart fast/float charger,
>>> but it's a switcher, and noisy.
>>> I'm looking for a inexpensive, wall wart style charger that has
>>> *some* regulation (AC line voltage will vary, temperature varies,
>>> etc.), and I'm not looking to build something. I just want to plug it in and have it work.
>>> Has anyone run across such a thing? (countless items in catalogs, but
>>> nothing talks about RFI.. maybe there's a key term to look for?)
>> One problem seems to be that conventional linear regulators are too
>> inefficient to be sold as consumer products.
>> _
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