[TowerTalk] zero RFI float charger for 12V battery

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Sun Jul 26 11:44:23 EDT 2020

I've had very good success with BatteryMinder float chargers attached 
standby for years.  They work on a pulse charge system and go months 
before I add a little water to flooded batteries.  The pulse system also 
desulphates older batteries and in some cases with substantial 
restoration of A-H capacity.  No RFI heard.  Every other float charger 
I've had needed frequent water or destroyed the battery.

Available as wall warts and in larger capacities 12 and 24v.

Grant KZ1W

On 7/25/2020 18:37, Wes wrote:
> I probably told you about them.  Iota is here in Tucson and eons ago I 
> moonlighted for some of the principals at another startup company.
> I've also used their stuff in my RV and have recommended them many times.
> That said, the OP is looking for a wall wart size unit.
> Wes  N7WS
> On 7/25/2020 5:50 PM, Bob Turner wrote:
>> Look at the IOTA line of (switcher) PS.  I first heard about them on 
>> the RFI reflector about 10 years ago.  I've had mine for about 5 
>> years.  They are RFI quiet, at least my DLS-75 is.  It’s a 3 or 4 
>> stage charger (can't remember), with an option to increase the float 
>> voltage by plugging in a jumper.   The jumper is also used to select 
>> what type of battery as they have different voltage characteristics.  
>> I have the jumper plugged in on mine, gives a solid 14.2v to my shack.
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of 
>> Wes
>> Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 8:25 PM
>> To: towertalk at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] zero RFI float charger for 12V battery
>> Maybe Jameco:
>> https://www.jameco.com/shop/StoreCatalogDrillDownView?langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&position=1&refineType=2&sub_attr_name=Primary%20Output%20Voltage%20(VDC)&refineValue=6%20%3C%3D%20%20%3C%2013&refine=1&history=8t8d8frn%7CsubCategoryName~Power%2BSupplies%2B%2526%2BWall%2BAdapters%5Erdtvalue~Power-Supplies-Wall-Adapters%5Ecategory~45%5EcategoryName~category_root%5EprodPage~25%5Epage~SEARCH%252BNAV%40gig6ohxx%7Ccategory~4535%5EcategoryName~cat_45%5Eposition~1%5Erefine~1%5EsubCategoryName~Power%2BSupplies%2B%2526%2BWall%2BAdapters%2B%252F%2BAC-to-DC%2BLinear%2BRegulated%5EprodPage~25%5Epage~SEARCH%252BNAV 
>> Wes  N7WS
>> On 7/25/2020 12:22 PM, jimlux wrote:
>>> On 7/25/20 12:17 PM, jimlux wrote:
>>>> I'm putting some remote gear (tuner & relay boxes) at the antenna
>>>> base that runs off a standard 12V-7Ah battery (control is via WiFi)
>>>> that runs the microcontroller and energizes the relays, etc.  Average
>>>> load is low, peak load is high.
>>>> I've got a nice inexpensive powersonic wallwart fast/float charger,
>>>> but it's a switcher, and noisy.
>>>> I'm looking for a inexpensive, wall wart style charger that has
>>>> *some* regulation (AC line voltage will vary, temperature varies,
>>>> etc.), and I'm not looking to build something. I just want to plug 
>>>> it in and have it work.
>>>> Has anyone run across such a thing? (countless items in catalogs, but
>>>> nothing talks about RFI.. maybe there's a key term to look for?)
>>> One problem seems to be that conventional linear regulators are too
>>> inefficient to be sold as consumer products.
>>> _
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