[TowerTalk] Beverage antenna field switching

Ignacy Misztal no9e at arrl.net
Thu Jun 4 14:12:15 EDT 2020

It may be worth to point to a commercial solution: RX8-2 from Green Heron

8 inputs to 2 inputs, with wireless switching and 12V supplied by DC
injector. So just 2 RG6 cables to the unit. Excellent separation without
chokes, with no signal whatsoever after switching to an empty connection.

Next to RX8 I added DXE preamp feeding one of outputs of RX2, with DC
supplied by RX8. Equalizes signals from transmit antennas on 160/80m,
boosts weak signals on 40m, and makes 20-10m useful. Still 2 cables.

Green Heron box is also useful for remote switch and for 4 sq switching. It
helps minimize the number of cables and control boxes,

Ignacy, NO9E

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