[TowerTalk] (no subject)

Tyler Stewart k3mm at verizon.net
Wed Sep 30 15:38:22 EDT 2020

Looks like KLM (now M2)
Ty K3MM 

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 On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, Tom WA9WSJ via TowerTalk <towertalk at contesting.com> wrote:

Hello Gents,
Can anyone please help in identifying this antenna?I'm trying to learn the make and model. I've looked allot online but haven't been able to find it.I'd like to find some documentation for it.It calculates out to be a 15 meter, I believe- monobander, (no traps).Boom length is approx 393"Two driven elements approx 265.5" longThe distance between the driven elements is approx 53"All elements are 5/8" swaged down to 3/8"
I've uploaded a couple of pictures here:http://www.wa9wsj.com/monoband_antenna.htm

Thank you!

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