[TowerTalk] 40M dipole above beam

hp pfizenmayer at q.com
Sat Mar 19 16:49:54 EDT 2022

I can say with absolute certainty that a M2 40M1L linear loaded dipole parallel to elements of a M2 KT34 will absolutely destroy 15 meter F/B and move 15M SWR. I was rebuilding my 27 year old KT34 which always had poor F/B and SWR at low end of 15 and would get the F/B and SWR just fine one night-then next night after making the changes permanent -it would be wayyyy different. 

At about 27 foot separation it would move F/B least 100khz - 
I had a 40M1l at 50 feet on a tower and the KT34 on a roof tripod 
at about 23 feet -and was having SWR / F/B trouble at low end of 15 . 

It finally dawned on me that I was using the 40M1l in evening and would leave it wherever it happened to be and that was usually pretty much broadside N-S -parallel to the KT34 elements when pointed north. .I was doing KT34 F/B with a source due North a couple miles away and he and my Grandson (Armstrong KT34 rotater) had concluded I was totally nuts. 

Put the 40M1l end on to the source and EUREKA F/B and swr would repeat every time. I could rotate the dipole and watch F/B go to pot. 

Hank K7HP 

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