[TowerTalk] TH6-DXX Band segment settings

Gerry Maira sparks234 at twc.com
Fri Nov 8 12:27:31 EST 2024

	Do people make adjustments to just the driven element, or am I
reading this wrong? 
I've read in one of the manuals (TH6-DX or DXX) that the wire lengths
from the balun are sometimes changed to adjust the resonant freq which
is almost doing the same thing. At the same time though they warn not
to deviate from the band segment settings. 

Thanks - Gerry KA2MGE

Just reiterating Rick's comment about Hygain baluns... I think there
may have been a couple of different models, but I've acquired nine
used Hygain monobanders over the years and the baluns that came with
all of them were not worth reinstalling. So, I second Rick's advice to
get decent balun for your antenna. *****Also, some folks have said
that getting the driven element adjusted properly on a TH-6 is a bit
of a PITA.***** If you have any way to do that and mark it ahead of
time it might save you some frustration up on the tower later. 73 &
good luck on your project. Matt KM5VI
ts.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk [1]

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