[TowerTalk] TH6-DXX Band segment settings

James Wolf jbwolf at comcast.net
Sun Nov 10 00:31:04 EST 2024

I've taken the TH6DXX settings and split the difference between the Low
Phone and the CW settings.  Operating mostly CW, the bottom of the band was
just too high on Low Phone, and almost no phone on the CW setting.
The compromise has seemed to work well over the years.

What I plan on doing next year is to take parts of a 2nd TH6DXX and make a
TH7DX out of it.  It appears that using parts from both antennas, a little
crafting of the feed system is all that will be required.  
I'll second the recommendation to not use a Hygain balun.  Craft a nice
choke from K9YC's work.

Jim - KR9U  

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