Walters, Galen C. ROLM SC Galen.C.Walters@siemenscom.com
16 Dec 1996 13:04:51 -0800

I experienced this on 160 also, but found it was
near field RF getting into my keyboard or mouse.
I added some ferrite cores and that fixed it up.

Galen - KN6OZ
From: (Howard Hoyt)
To: trlog@contesting.com
Subject: LOCKUPS
Date: Monday, December 16, 1996 12:22PM

I have had intermittent problems with TR locking up after entering
certain calls. This usually happens in the heat of battle, altho
no different this time, I did note the call entered:
tr allows me to enter his section but WILL NOT LOG the call. In addition,
it will not log any future calls until I terminate and restart tr.
Naturally, the turkey called me again, dropping his /t and it produced
the same results.

After the contest, I brought up my arrl160 log and tried entering the
call with the same results.

Can anybody else reproduce this ? I am running 5.93.

73, Howie N4AF

 | Howard Hoyt                     |  A.R.S. N4AF 
 | N4AF@PAGESZ.NET                 |  7125 Roberts Road 
 | http://www.pagesz.net/~pvrc     |  Apex, N.C. 27502-8902 