CT *.bin to TR *.dat conversion

Scott Neader neader@centuryinter.net
Mon, 3 Jun 1996 20:50:12 -0500

This conversion program is also available for download from the TR Log web site:


- Scott KA9FOX

>Robert Barron KA5WSS has written a conversion program that
>converts CT *.bin to TR *.dat files.  It works quite well
>and he has plans to improve it and add more conversion
>routines.  Tree has a copy to put on the TR bbs so you
>can get it there soon.
>If you would like a copy and can handle UUENCODED email
>files I can email you a copy.
>George Fremin III

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Scott Neader - (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100   neader@centuryinter.net
Ham Radio web: http://www.4w.com/ham     La Crosse web: http://coulee.com/