5.70 in the VHF test

Larry Tyree tree@lady.blindchicken.com
Mon, 10 Jun 1996 22:14:47 -0700 (PDT)

Tim, KJ4VH writes:

> 1) The persistent problem I have with the date not changing at 0000Z
> (appears to be a strange compatibilty problem with Compaq laptops--anyone
> else have this problem?) 

This is still very strange, but unique to the Compaq laptops as you say.

> 2) Lockup when doing a forced log save to disk (Alt-F).  Probably another
> problem with Compaq laptops and PCMCIA-interfaced disk drive.

This still works on my system at home.  Does anyone else have this 

> 3) Seems to give points when you work a dupe.  Ran the log quickly through
> POST, but that created another problem of marking all the rover Qs as
> dupes.  Haven't had time to look at this any further.  Still stuck at the
> office tonight, so don't have all the details in front of me.  Just wanted
> to caution folks to double check the scoring before sending the log in.

This one snuck past our crack beta test team!!  Problem found and will be 
fixed in version 5.71.  This problem is unique to the VHF tests and is
not a bug with the other contests.

Thanks for the input Tim.

Tree N6TR