Network Problems with TR
Cook, Andy, COOKAR2
Tue, 05 Nov 96 12:16:00 UCT
In the post CQWW chaos, the comments on using TR in a multi-single
environment have floated past me until now, but I've just managed to take a
look at some of the comments so far and may can add our experiences to the
pile. It's 4 months since we used TR and I haven't touched it since then, so
I'm afraid that my memories are getting a bit hazy in some places. It's
quite possible that some of the problems could have been down to having
mis-configured one of the many parameters somewhere since this was the first
outing with TR.
We used TR during IOTA from M6T back in July - only a 2 computer system. We
definitely saw the problem of packet spots not registering properly on the
network. We would see the spot flash up at the bottom of the screen, but it
would not register in the what I remember as the ctrl-U window for a LONG
time - several minutes - if at all.
QSOs seemed to pass between computers OK, but we had a problem with serial
numbers. The two computers would quite frequently end up out of step with
one-another in serial numbers, and the only way to bring them back into sync
was to physically copy the logs on floppy from one to another. With a very
sick floppy drive on one of the PCs and after doing this 3 times in the
first 12 hours or so we gave up and ended up issuing duplicate and missing
serials on the two stations.
Hope this add a little more to the debate.
Andy Cook, G4PIQ