...other minor irritants

Chad Kurszewski WE9V kurscj@oampc12.csg.mot.com
Tue, 05 Nov 1996 09:22:23 -0600

>LOVE the new TRMASTER.DTA!  but it certainly will be nice if the cursor
>stayed at the beginning of the exchange window after a partial exchange is
>displayed.  The parsing can't tell a # from a ck, and so they get into the
>wrong fields unless you hit HOME first.

To borrow a quote from K6LL who got it from Tree, "You're fighting the

The program can precisely tell the # from CK when you follow the #
immediately with PREC.  So, any number followed by A, B, or Q (WITHOUT
a space) is the # and the other number is the CK.

As stated in the manual, there is no reason to have the exchange in any
particular order, and it appears that the parser works best when there
are no spaces between CK&SEC and #&PREC.

Now, to correct the secion, you only need to type the section again at
the end of the exchange.  No need to type over the other one.  And to
correct the CK, I would type it again, immediately followed by the section.

Worked absolutely perfect for me.

>Also, the initial exchange would be much more readable if the program
>inserted a space between the check and section.

See above regarding spaces.


ALT-I appears to be broken (it clears the entire exchange window).
ALT-I would have been nice for my QRP S&P effort.

Chad Kurszewski, WE9V              e-mail:  Chad_Kurszewski@csg.mot.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.QTH.com/sos