Deleting a QSO

Jeff Bouvier
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 02:39:21 -0400

        Maybe I'm still tired from the war but I need to know how to
delete a qso from the log after the contest. I used alt-y several times
during the contest but somehow I panicked once when on 80M and a 
qso was logged as A58A instead of what should have been s58aa. I logged
s58aa right a way but it was too late to hit alt-y and get rid of that
juicy double mult. I could use a text editor but that will leave 9 q's
in that block of 10. I'm sure there's got to be a simple way. 
        Getting too old for this stuff but how I love it. This was
my 5th straight weekend of contesting and put in 38.5 hours for 3.3M
points single op/ NO packet. No more serious contesting for a couple of
months for this guy, although the 160m contest is tempting. See you 
next weekend.
        73, Jeff Bouvier K1AM