Questions about CW using TRLog 5.82

Larry Novak
Thu, 10 Oct 96 8:40:37 EDT

Ronald D Rossi wrote:
> if I used <enter> the contact was logged and the QSO number was incremented.  
> Fine and good as long as the station does not ask for a fill.

  In any contest that has a serial number I always set up a function key
  to sen (#-1) just for this reason. Of course, there's always the
  paddle :-)

  - Larry, K3TLX

     | Larry Novak            \-\-\         email: |
     | Century Computing, Inc.  |             Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
     |      |   Amateur Radio:    K3TLX, C6AHE  |
     +       INSULATOR COLLECTORS:        +