Questions about CW using TRLog 5.82

Ronald D Rossi
Thu, 10 Oct 1996 09:42:17 -0400

>>>Larry Novak said:
> Ronald D Rossi wrote:
> > if I used <enter> the contact was logged and the QSO number was incremented
> > Fine and good as long as the station does not ask for a fill.
> >
>   In any contest that has a serial number I always set up a function key
>   to sen (#-1) just for this reason. Of course, there's always the
>   paddle :-)

My paddle is a straight key :)  Is "#-1" the value to define the key as.  I 
had this same idea, but could not find it documented.  Even though I remember 
seeing the reference somewhere.  I was going to make alt-F2 the exchange with 
the previous QSO number.
73 de N1PBT...ron ( <><
Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineering -- IBM Microelectronics