E-mail during the day
LarryX Tyree
Mon, 14 Oct 96 08:44:00 PDT
As most of you know, I check my e-mail during the day while at work
and if I can give you a quick answer, I will do so.
Due to some recent changes on internet access here at Intel, I am
currently unable to log into my mail server at Axian (aka CETech or
Blindchicken). This means mail sent to any address but Intel won't be
seen until I get home. This includes mail to contesting.com. This
may, or may not, be a short term situation.
For now, I will subscribe to the trlog reflector from my work address.
So if you have a question, please post it to the reflector and I will
see it (and maybe respond). If I answer your question twice, it means
I had a long day at work and I forgot about the first time.
You can send mail to me at this address (look in the header), but I
won't be able to read it from home.
WB5VZL reported a problem with the TRMASTER file update process - a
runtime error 5 when updating the history files. I have been unable
to reproduce this problem following the same procedure George used.
If would like very much to hear feedback from others who are playing
with the TRMASTER file.
73 Tree N?TR