Messed up ALL5xx.ZIP Files ...

Pete Smith
Sun, 15 Sep 1996 18:17:49 -0700

At 03:09 PM 9/14/96 -0700, Billy W. Cox wrote:
>FYI, I also have problems with the ALL5xx.ZIP files
>being messed up via INET ... say from ALL577 to ALL580 ...
>Wonder if it's a Netcom problem as I noted the other
>report was also from a Netcom user ...
>Anyone else having problems ?
>And TU Tree for Version 5.80 ...
>Say, can you add SUNSPOTS=TRUE=LOTS=NOW to the next release ?
>PLEASE ... ?
>73 Bill AA4NU 
Well, I'm having problems with 5.80 getting from uuencoded to zipfile.
WUUDECODE returns an error message re bad checksum lines 2262-9118, bad sums
are 12213 401 410310. 5.75 was OK, but 5.77 and 5.78 have the same kind of
problem, tho at different lines.

 Hope this helps...

73, Pete Smith N4ZR 
... and not changing!