[TRLog] TR and Field Day

Alan Braun albraun@socketis.net
Sun, 27 Apr 97 19:20:23

Our club is going to do computerized logging for the 1st time on FD this
year.  We will have 3 stations (CW, SSB and Novice) in class 2a, with
the computers NOT networked at the time.  We'll want to merge the logs

Originally we'd planned to use CT due to it having a simpler learning curve
for non-contester types, but in a dry run I had a serious problem merging
the CW and SSB station logs (the SSB contacts all got lost!)

Doing a dry run in TR seems to produce a different set of problems.
1.  How to account for the CW vs SSB point value differential?  It is
scoring both modes the same.
2.  Multipliers aren't supposed to count in FD, but TR is using them 
3.  How to do the novice station log without having some contacts counted
as dupes?
4.  How to score for the "bonuses"?  Just add them in later?
5.  How to account for the points-per-QSO difference in high power vs low power vs QRP?  It doesn't appear that TR has a mechanism for doing this.

I looked in the manual and don't find anything on these subjects at all.  I
know someone has to have run into these problems before, since I think
most clubs with any significant number of contesters in them moved out
of the stone ages for FD long ago!  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

73 - Alan Braun NS0B

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