[TRLog] A Little Perspective, Maybe

Jim Stevens k4ma@mindspring.com
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 22:18:38 -0500


Basically, tell me where to send to the check because I benefit
greatly from these resources, but I don't make the time to devote
to it that people like Trey, Bill, etc. do.

73, Jim Stevens K4MA

At 12:44 AM 2/26/97, Pete Smith wrote:
>Y'know, in all the furor of the last couple of weeks involving the
>management of one of these reflectors, I think we've forgotten an essential
>This is a HOBBY, not just for us, but for the people who run, and often
>personally finance, these critical communications media for DXers and
>contesters.  Yet over the last year or so, each of these people has gone
>through a major job change.  I'm sure that if we stop to think about it,
>there's little in each of our own lives that is more traumatic, whether
>it's a move to something better, a move out of a bad situation, or the
>"rightsizing" of the 90's.
>Yet in each case, there has been either no interruption, or the most
>minimal interruption, in the service that we all take for granted.  The
>reflectors go on, and of course the people do too, but would we have had
>any basis to complain if Tree, or Trey, or Lyndon had said, "Hey, guys, I
>just have too much on my plate right now.  The reflector (or the software,
>or whatever) has to wait."?    I don't think so.
>And thanks are in order, too, to the guys who have pitched in to help when
>the lifeline of one, or another reflector was threatened.  Bill, thanks for
>taking up so much of the slack.  Also to Jim, and Lee, and the others whose
>names I've forgotten to mention in this message.
>So I'd suggest that we each be grateful for the benefits that these guys
>are providing us, out of their own pockets and their precious free time.
>And if donations are needed to keep things going, let's pitch in.  It's the
>least WE can do, in the light of how much THEY are doing for us!
>73, Pete Smith N4ZR
>West (bigawd) Virginia
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
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