NAQP multi 2 logs

Chad Kurszewski WE9V
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 16:26:07 -0600

At 02:58 PM 1/7/97 -0600, Hendrick House wrote:
>What is the best or correct way to set up TR for multi-two in the NAQSO
>contest. The computers need to be linked. How can I separate the logs for
>the two transmitters to satisfy submission requirements?

Computer id = a
Computer id = b

Each QSO will be marked, next to the QSO number, with A or B, depending
upon which TX (computer) logged it.

POST can then seperate the logs using this "computer id".

Chad Kurszewski, WE9V         e-mail:
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site: