NAQP multi 2 logs
george fremin iii
Tue, 7 Jan 1997 22:39:56 -0600 (CST)
>At 02:58 PM 1/7/97 -0600, Hendrick House wrote:
>>What is the best or correct way to set up TR for multi-two in the NAQSO
>>contest. The computers need to be linked. How can I separate the logs for
>>the two transmitters to satisfy submission requirements?
>Computer id = a
>Computer id = b
>Each QSO will be marked, next to the QSO number, with A or B, depending
>upon which TX (computer) logged it.
>POST can then seperate the logs using this "computer id".
This is good. I also think that it needs to be pointed out
that you should get the A log from the "A" computer and the
B log from the "B" computer - as any editing that is
done in the edit window does not change the other machines log.
So what I do is:
get B log from B computer.
get A log from A computer.
Then I merge the two logs back into one and run
all of the post log processing routines.
Then I split them out again to send in.
Although one or both of the log checkers for this contest
will take one log file as long as they have the A and B
computer id's. But I would ask them what they want to
get as a log.
George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U. "My theory is that if you can work everything
K5TR you can hear on 75, then obviously your're
512/416-7010 not hearing enough." -- John NT5C