W9XT voice card setup
Gary Sutcliffe
Mon, 13 Jan 1997 23:07:50 -0600
At 04:22 PM 1/13/97 -0600, you wrote:
>How do you configure TR to work with the W9XT voice card. There isn't any
>info in the manual other than K1EA's DVP. How do you program messages etc.?
There are several ways.
First of all DO NOT use the DVPTSR! That is only for the K1EA DVP.
Configure TRLOG as if you have an external voice keyer connected to an LPT
port. Use the same port number as you set the Contest Card. Be sure that
there is not really an LPT at the same address. The FINDLPTS program on the
disk that comes with the Contest Card can help you on this.
To record you have 3 choices:
1) Record the messages with the DVRC program that comes with the Contest
Card before you start up TRLOG.
2) Run the CCTSR TSR program that comes with the board. Run that over TRLOG.
3) Hook a record switch to the Contest Card connector. Hold the record
button down while you play a message back in TRLOG. This will put you into
record mode.
The Contest Card has the capability to record under software control.
Hopefully Tree will get around to implementing that soon.
73 - Gary
Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT Unified Microsystems
ppvvpp@mixcom.com PO Box 133 Slinger, WI 53086
http://www.qth.com/w9xt 414-644-9036