More Sprint Stuff

LarryX Tyree contractor for brentc
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:16:29 -0800 (PST)

Mark AG9A writes:

>      Anyway, I ran into another issue(?)  Using the TRMASTER.DTA for the 
>      initial exchange, I found that TR would not log updated exchange 
>      information.  
>      For example:
>      Call window: N6TR
>      Exchange window:  TREE OR 71 RAT CA
>      Logged:  N6TR 71 TREE OR
>      The program dumped TREE OR into the exchange window.  I listened to 
>      your exhange and copied 71 RAT CA.  The program did not log the 
>      correct info.  Is this right?

The exchange parser for the sprint works differently than it does for
the SS.  You can't tack entries on the end of the exchange like the SS.
The Sprint is a lot harder to parse, since QTHs and names can look the

You need to delete the information from the initial exchange.

Control-A and Control-T are very handy for this (Control-A moves
back a word at a time, and Control-T deletes words).
