[TRLog] TR-log & Omni 6+

Pete Hoover w6zh@ix.netcom.com
Wed, 28 May 1997 12:25:05 -0500 (CDT)


        I neglected to send this on to the TRlog reflector - as I had

        Any questions, contact me directly as I get the digest

        Pete, W6ZH - w6zh@ix.netcom.com

>Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 18:54:49 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Pete Hoover <w6zh@ix.netcom.com>
>Subject: [TenTec] TR-log + Omni 6+
>Here is what I did to make my Omni 6+, Model 301 outboard "dial", and
TR-log (Ver. >5.63) work together well. 
>Here goes:
>                                ******
>        Computer: a 386 33 MHz clone with 20 megs of ram, running DOS Ver.
>                         6.22. Two serial ports, one parallel.
>                                ******  
>        Omni 6+ (Ser. No. 11A10463 with option 1 upgrade):
>                Set baud rate (Menu 2 "bd") = 4800
>                Set address (Menu 2 "C-Id") = 04
>                                ******
>        TR-Log (Ver. 5.63) - Logcfg.dat to include:
>                Keyer Output Port = Parallel 1
>                Radio One Baud Rate = 4800
>                Radio One Name = Omni 6
>                Radio One Receiver Address = 4 (note: 4, not 04)
>                Radio One Control Port = Serial 1
>                Radio One Type = IC735
>                                 ******
>        "Y" cable between Computer, Omni 6+ and 301
>            Omni 6+ DB-25   to           Computer Serial DB 9
>            --------------
>                   Pin 2        =>          Pin 3      Jumper: Pin 1 => Pin 6
>                   Pin 3        =>          Pin 2              Pin 4 & 7
=> Pin 8
>                   Pin 8        =>          Pin 5
>                Omni 6+ DB-25   to   Model 301 DB-25
>                -------------        ---------------
>                   Pin 1        =>          Pin 1 (shield)
>                   Pin 6        =>          Pin 6 
>                   Pin 8        =>          Pin 8
>                   Pin 16       =>          Pin 16 
>                                ******
>        That's it.  The cable was a PITA to build, but works - use care and
>make sure that leads go to the correct pins - check twice, and then check
>again. My only problems were in this area!!
>       To key the rig, I built and use the parallel keyer cable shown in
the back
>of the TR-log manual - I use Serial 2 with the serial version of the keyer
>to key the rig with Pop-up Morse when not using TR-log
>        The above set-up allows me to change frequency and/or band from the
>keyboard, and the computer follows the VFO frequency - perhaps a little
>slow, but it gets there.
>        Any questions from either Ten-Tec or TR folk let me know direct, as
>I usually just get the digests. 
>Pete, W6ZH

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