[TRLog] Radio interface is not working correctly

george fremin iii geoiii@bga.com
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 22:51:54 -0600 (CST)

>>I did use a TS940 last week during CQWW SSB at W7MMQ's place.  Mike's 940
>>is interfaced with the Kenwood IF10B.  I'm pretty sure that RTS/CTS aren't
>>jumpered on this unit.  As a result frequency change via the shift keys has
>>a lot of hysterisis.  I also noticed that when putting in splits with the
>><-> key that sometimes the second VFO wouldn't move to the correct
>>frequency right away.  I should have taken the time to jumper RTS/CTS to
>>see what happened.

The TS-940 computer control does not work as well as the 
ts-850 or later.  I have used both and I find the 
TS-940's interface is just too slow to use for the RIT 
control.  The TS-850 on the other hand works really 
well with the RIT control. 


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                 "Eight is enough."

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