[TRLog] ALT M freq shift

Don Moman ve6jy@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 18:11:44 -0700 (MST)

I posted this sometime ago but was reminded again during the JIDXA...

Using the FT-1000mp I get a frequency shift as the ALT M toggles between
the the band registers in the 'MP.....say I start on 14124.0 ALTm goes to
14024...then 14123.1....then 14024.9. What I lose on SSB (900 hz) adds to
the CW each time you hit ALT M.. I don't think I have anything unusual in
the config file to make this happen.....any ideas? 

73 Don

VE6JY is Don Moman               email: ve6jy@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca 
Box 127 Lamont, Alberta
T0B 2R0  (403) 895-2925

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