[TRLog] FT890 Interface

K5NZ@aol.com K5NZ@aol.com
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 09:01:08 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all,

I bought a JBI interface cable kit for the RS232 connection for my FT 890.
 The cable allows you to have rig control and cw keying from  1 serial port.
 This is great so you can save those com ports!  The problem I'm having is

When I tell TR rig control and cw are on serial 2  the cw keying works fine
but the rig control is very slow and sometimes does not work for minutes.  If
I go back and remove the keying command from logcfg.dat the rig control works
just fine.  Must be having a problem seeing two controls on one port.  Now I
can use the software that came with the cable or Log EQF and use both
functions with no problem.

Any ideas how to get both to work OK with TR ??

Thanks  Please reply direct and I will post summary.

mike k5nz

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