[TRLog] FT89 Interface

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 07:22:17 -0700 (PDT)

> I bought a JBI interface cable kit for the RS232 connection for my FT 890.
>  The cable allows you to have rig control and cw keying from  1 serial port.
>  This is great so you can save those com ports!  The problem I'm having is
> follows:
> When I tell TR rig control and cw are on serial 2  the cw keying works fine
> but the rig control is very slow and sometimes does not work for minutes.  If
> I go back and remove the keying command from logcfg.dat the rig control works
> just fine.  Must be having a problem seeing two controls on one port.  Now I
> can use the software that came with the cable or Log EQF and use both
> functions with no problem.
> Any ideas how to get both to work OK with TR ??

The PTT signal is probably acting as flow control.  


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