[TRLog] How to generate summary reports??

Nat Davis ndavis@vt.edu
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 11:39:39 -0500

I'm just getting back into contesting and have heard lots of good things
about TR.  I  wanted to try TR out for the CQ WW contest this last weekend
so I downloaded version  4.05.  

I got the program up and running just fine and it seemed to like my QSO
entries.  I can not get the "post" print utility to work, however.  I wanted
to print the summary sheet out but the program balked at my request with a
mesasge that  said the only available summary sheet was for the WAE.  

SInce this program is clearly used by lots of folks, can any of you give me
a clue as to what I am NOT doing right?

Many thanks in advance.


Nat Davis

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