[TRLog] Tuning up

Lee Hiers, AA4GA aa4ga@contesting.com
Thu, 18 Sep 1997 00:22:55 +0000

On 17 Sep 97, Doug Smith wrote:

> >Use Control-Shift on the left side of the keyboard. 
> >I think this only works in CW mode.  
> >Maybe it should work on both modes?
> Would be nice.  Though you'd need to switch the *radio* to CW mode before it
> would accomplish anything.

Of course, Tree could easily have the program change the rig to CW 
and back if the mode was SSB when hitting this key combo....right 

That'd be pretty cool.

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers - AA4GA
Contest Preservation Society - NT4DX
Cornelia, GA

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