[TRLog] Freq recording in log

Tom Delker k1ky@bellsouth.net
Sun, 28 Sep 1997 08:35:34 -0500

I may have missed this one, but has anyone noticed that the frequency
display logging shifts the callsign to the right by one character for
frequencies above 9999 mhz?  I found this while playing with it WITHOUT
my RS232 interface plugged in.  Not sure if it does it with the
interface, but could cause problems if the interface fails during the
middle of a contest.


Thomas M. Delker - K1KY A.A.G.G. - Smyrna / Gallatin / Short Mtn. TN
C.A.T.S. (W4CAT) - 147.30 (114.8) / 145.23 / 223.98 / 444.45 & 444.65
Stones River A.R.C. (K4FUN) - http://www.Voy.net/~rfi/stones.html
Tennessee Contest Group (K4TCG) - http://geo1.tdec.state.tn.us/tcg.html
Fistfighters United Nashville (NT4L) 146.955 (114.8)

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