[TRLog] Bug in 'European VHF contest'

Cedric Baechler HB9HFN cedric.baechler@com.mcnet.ch
Sun, 28 Sep 1997 19:08:27 +0100

When I create the final log (L C) the calculation of the points
is false due to an overflow:

  2SSB 06-SEP-97 14:35   24  HB9R/P         59   59    12  jn46bt           86
  2SSB 06-SEP-97 14:36   25  HB9IIV/P       59   59     4  jn36lm           11

Valid QSOs = 25/25  Pts = 4982/4982  

  2CW  07-SEP-97 04:32  124  DL0UM          599  339  211  jo40ju
  2CW  07-SEP-97 04:37  125  DL0GL/P        599  599  308  jo31kp

Valid QSOs = 25/125  Pts = 8753/31359  

  2SSB 07-SEP-97 06:28  149  HB9ZS          59   59     2  jn47hr
  2SSB 07-SEP-97 06:29  150  DK3WG          59   59    17  jo72gi

Valid QSOs = 25/150  Pts = 12464/-21713  

The total variable is defined as 16 bits instead of 32 ...hi!
The total is also false in the summary.

73, Cedric HB9HFN

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