[TRLog] Runtime Error

Scott A. Stembaugh scott@purdue.edu
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 08:47:31 EST

On 11 Apr 98 at 23:46, Allen Turner wrote:

> Help,
>  I am using a 300 MHZ PII Computer with 128 Meg of ram. Everytime I
>  run
> "Post" I receive a "RUNTIME ERROR 200 @ 17AF:0091"
>  I currently have 6.24 installed. This happens under a DOS Shell via
>  WIN95
> OSR 2.1 and also when booting directly to the DOS prompt.

I am sorry but I get a good chuckle everytime I see a reference to 
this type of problem.  I am absolutely ESTATIC that TR runs just fine 
thank you on my 286 with 1 M ram, 40M harddrive, and  monochrome 

Scott Stembaugh - N9LJX
scott@purdue.edu  http://members.aol.com/n9ljx

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