[TRLog] Echo?

VR98BrettGraham vr2bg@harts.org.hk
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 09:25:16 +0000

I thought I'd seen this before.  I recently wrote:

 - When S&Ping on rig 2, alt-D'd calls don't go into the bandmap.

But when it came out the other end, it read:

 - - When S&Ping on rig 2, alt-D'd calls don't go into the bandmap.

Selective echo, or is my head screwed up (I was driving a car Saturday
night that was hit from behind at 70 km/h by a 16-seat mini-bus, so
between that & the drugs, I'm not quite sure about anything at the moment)?

73, VR98BrettGraham

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