[TRLog] Setting split with TRLog and Icom's
Mon, 2 Feb 98 11:28:36 CST
Don't know if others have had problems with TRLog and
split operation with Icom rigs but I have had. My previous
rig was an IC 737 and although TR would set split, it
always reversed (ie..desired rx freq was xmit freq) vfo's.
See wish list #11. I recently purchased an IC 765 (used but
new to me) and experienced even worse results trying to set
split with TR. During the 160 test, I once got 4.000 and on
another occassion got 1.000 as xmit freqs.
Yesterday and a local swap, I ran into George (K5TR) and asked
him what I should try to do to resolve this problem. George
suggested playing with the Icom command pause command in the
control j menu. Well, it worked...I had to set the 765's
command pause to 500ms for reliable operation while it only
took 400ms for the 737.
The only problem that remains (for me at least) is when split
gets set, for some reason cw narrow does not get set in the
xmit vfo. I tried setting vfo b to cw narrow before setting
split but that didn't seem to help. Any ideas anyone?
George....Thanks for the suggestion.
Tree.....Change #11 on the wish list to cw narrow mode doesn't get
Guess what this all means is that Icoms aren't all equal when it
comes to the serial port commands and you may have to fool
around with some of the parms to get everything to work properly.
Thought maybe this personal experience might help someone else.
Wayne AJ5M ehayes@vnet.ibm.com
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