[TRLog] DVP Question.

swca@ionet.net swca@ionet.net
Sun, 8 Mar 1998 21:18:25 -0600 (CST)

>  I'm having a slight problem with the DVP (W9XT) that I got fairly
>recently.  Whenever I call CQ out over the air, the radio will not cut out
>when it is done.  I have adjusted the VOX sensitivity of it, and it does
>not affect my problem.  In fact, whenever the grey wire that has the label
>of "Transmitter" on it is plugged in, it automatically keys the rig and
>won't stop.  The only way to make it stop is to unplug the cable from the
>rig.  Any suggestions, or anyone else have similar experiences?
>73, Jason N5NU

Yes, Jason, we had the identical problem at W6AQ and NEVER got it solved,
including sending the board back to the factory.  We were using a Kenwood
TS-950S.  Ultimately we returned the board after Dave (AQ) picked up a K1EA
board at Dayton.

Please do nat take this comment as a negative comment about Gary's board.
Dave and I do things across about 1500 miles on the phone and he is not the
best at remembering details about all this technical/electronic stuff (he
has a lot to think about) - so I am not sure what the problem was or if
indeed it could have been easily solved.

Gary said the board was fine and returned it, and it worked PERFECTLY in my
old 386 here in Tulsa with my TS-850S, so I don't think the board was at
fault, we just never got to the bottom of the problem and Dave fixed it in a
'different way' by trying the K1EA board instead (which is working well now).

Mark, N5OT

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