[TRLog] Re:Field Day Version

swca@ionet.net swca@ionet.net
Mon, 4 May 1998 07:19:40 -0500 (CDT)

Rod (N4SI) said:

>Please, everyobody; slightyly off-topic, but it has to start somewhere; Field 
>Day is the fourth weekend in June, frequently the last, but not always.
>it the "last weekend" has caused several people I know to inadvertantly 
>encounter scheduling conflicts.

I know EXACTLY what he is talking about.  My wife inadvertantly gave birth
to my daughter on June 23rd a couple years ago and it has caused a major
scheduling conflict.  I tried to explain to her about Field Day in the
delivery room but it was no use.

I guess I wasn't thinking about THAT in October!

Mark, N5OT

Really, honey, it's NOT a contest.

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