[TRLog] K6LL: lockups

k6ll@juno.com k6ll@juno.com
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:04:26 +0000

A while ago I wrote:

>I had the radio sidetones turned off all weekend, but this
>morning I had them turned up. I found that while I was off
>working a station on radio 2, the second set of blind
>cq's on radio 1 was preceded by NR# (e.g. NR1315) which
>is the first part of my s&p exchange! I don't know if it
>had been doing that all weekend or not. So the second set of
>blind cq's comes out like NR1315 CQCQCQSS^K6LL

This turned out to be my fault. I had NR# programmed into
memory ALT-F3. I didn't realize this memory was reserved
for the blind cq's. I don't know why it sent ANY cq's.

Anyway, I deleted restart.bin and started with all fresh
program files except log.dat and a revised logcfg.dat (with
some cq's in alt-f3) and I can still duplicate the hang-ups
about 50% of the time.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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