[TRLog] Edit QSOs in MultiOp

Stephen Merchant merchant@garlic.com
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 14:41:48 -0800

I know that some M/Ms are using TR, have you experienced problems with this?
With the rates we had this weekend 5 QSOs will scroll of your screen VERY

For the CW contest there are NO other program than TR to use, so we have to
live with this minor problem.
I assume this will be a greater problem the higher rate you have... Best
hour from CE3F this weekend was 250 q/h. 6 hours over 200.
Hi, Gus -- we have been using TRLog successfully at N6RO for the past
couple of years <or has it been 3?> for m/m operations.  I've asked N6RO to
comment directly on how this has been.

Re the editing issue, there has been the usual grumbling from those folks
used to CT/NA but in practice we have not had a single real log problem
from using Ctrl-N.  And you're right -- when the rates are up, the 5 qso's
go flying by very quickly.  We've tried both modes of multi logging and
much prefer the mode where each qso is sent across the network as soon as
it's logged.  It helps give a sense of what's going on at the station as a
whole and is a great motivator for ops on bands that won't really open
until later.  By Day Two it helps keep people awake, hi.

One thing we have asked Tree for is a way to identify which station is
writing the Ctrl-N note so you can tie a note back to a band/op/qso more
readily.  I'm sure this is on some list already.

73, Steve K6AW

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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html