[TRLog] WTB: Manual 6.39

Jerry Fray jefray@si-net.com" <jefray@si-net.com
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 20:33:26 -0500

This gets interesting. What are the legalities of printing and SELLING a copyrighted material?
Does Tree need to be compensated?? If there is a market here I "might" be interested. I 
could even perhaps get a bound manual together with enough interest and compensation,
IF (big word) it's all on the legalese side.
Jerry N9TU 
"We shall not go quietly into the RF" - Isard, July 98 HJ4F
S.M.A.R.T 98-10
FISTS CW Club # 2176 
dit dit

On Sunday, April 25, 1999 2:53 PM, Dale L. Martin [SMTP:kg5u@hal-pc.org] wrote:
> I would like to buy a copy of the TRLog Manual 6.39 from anyone
> who would make a copy and send it to me in the mail.
> Please contact me via e-mail first BEFORE making the copy and
> sending it....
> Thanks and 73,
> Dale Martin, KG5U
> kg5u@hal-pc.org
> http://www.hal-pc.org/~kg5u

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