[TRLog] Re My "WTB: 6.39 Manual" Message

Dale L. Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:31:22 -0500

I have ordered a manual from George, K6TR.  Thanks to others for
their offers.

George also said that he doesn't mind if others copy the manuals.
They are not copyrighted and I found no copyright comments in my
6.01 manual.

I had not checked the TR Log website until today--when I needed
to get George's address.  While there, I noticed that there is
provision on the online order page to order a printed manual.
The version number is old, but I expect that it will be updated
by George when he prints new manuals.  Again, the price was a
measley $10+$3 shipping.

It also occurred to me that I had not yet renewed my
'subscription'.  By the time you read this, I will have done so.
How's your subscription?  Is it time to renew? You can renew on
the TR Log online order page -- http://www.qth.com/tr/  -- it
takes two minutes, tops!

Dale Martin, KG5U

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