[TRLog] Re: TRLog Digest V2 #99

Doug Smith w9wi@bellsouth.net
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 09:56:20 +0000

NO6X wrote:
> You know something like this has crossed my mind and I thought of a
> solution, however have not tried it.
> Why not use 100 foot extension cords? You have 3 wires that is all you
> need, right? could get tricky with more than 2 stations however, but I
> think it could be done.
> What sayeth the masses? Off my rocker, or onto something?

Actually, I've done this briefly to control a remote coax switch.

But I wouldn't recommend it.  Imagine what happens if you get confused &
plug one end of the line into your generator?  (admittedly, *you*
probably won't do it, but this is Field Day - someone else probably

Besides, extension cords aren't shielded & probably will pick up &
radiate plenty of RF at the typically antenna-impaired FD site.  Maybe
some shielded professional audio cables would be a better (and safer!)
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66

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