[TRLog] Re My "WTB: 6.39 Manual" Message

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av@qsl.net
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 19:28:54 GMT

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:52:13 -0500, you wrote:

>> >>>Guy Olinger, K2AV said:
>> > 
>> > On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:03:17 -0500, you wrote:
>> > 
>> > >
>> > >>----------------------
>> > >>K6TR is a busted call. The correct call is K5TR.
>> > >>
>> > >>-------------
>> > >>    Raw QSOs = 1
>> > >>       Dupes = 0
>> > >> Busted QSOs = 1
>> > >>  Valid QSOs = 0
>> > >>Penalty QSOs = 3
>> > >>  QSO Points = -8
>> > >>  Multiplier = 0
>> > >>---------------------
>> > >> Final score = 0
>> > >> Error rate = 100.0%
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >I don't get it.  Wouldn't the final score be (-8)?
>> > 
>> > That's right. To be kept in a database and removed from the next
>> > contest log submitted.
>> Bzzzzt!  points x mults = -8 x 0 = 0 :)
>Way too much time on our hands between contests.

Yeah. Need a general purpose contest that runs 365 days a year and
restarts scores on the equinoxes. Would be a substitute for late-nite
B grade movies and spending time answering posts on internet

73, Guy
--. .-..

Guy Olinger, K2AV
Apex, NC, USA

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