FW: [TRLog] re:Cabrillo submissions

William L. Brooks wlbrooks@brooksdata.net
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 21:06:41 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From:	William L. Brooks <wlbrooks@brooksdata.net>
To:	'John Schaffner Jr.,- K8LN' <k8ln@neo.rr.com>
Sent:	Tuesday, December 07, 1999 4:43 PM
Subject:	RE: [TRLog] re:Cabrillo submissions

> I did ask the ARRL about the Cabrillo format...particularly Off times not
> being in the log and dupes in the log but not marked as such.
> I received this reply:
> Since you are Cabrillo compliant, you don't need to indicate the times
> on/off.  They can be calculated from the Cabrillo file.
> Dupes should remain in your log.  They are not counted for credit by any
> the major logging programs, so there is no penalty.
> Thanks and 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> Contest Branch Manager, ARRL
> These questions were in reference to SS-SSB.
> Bill, KE5OG
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	owner-trlog@contesting.com [mailto:owner-trlog@contesting.com] On
> Behalf Of John Schaffner Jr.,- K8LN
> Sent:	Tuesday, December 07, 1999 3:17 PM
> To:	trlog@contesting.com
> Subject:	[TRLog] re:Cabrillo submissions
> Correction
> The reply from The ARRL was not Bob Cox.  Somehow I put Bob's reply under
> Arrl folder.  I looked for the leagues reply and it is not to be found, I
> deleated it.
> I did get a reply from the leauge and SS was ok in Cabrillo.  Maybe
> else can ask?
> thanks to Pete, N4ZR for pointing this out
> 73 John
> K8LN
> --
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
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