[TRLog] Multi/Packet bug

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
8 Dec 1999 17:18:44 -0000

For those of you interested in the multi/packet bug.  

I was able to reproduce the failure last night with versions 6.41 
and later.  Version 6.40 and before never failed.  None of the
documented changes from 6.40 to 6.41 appear to be the issue - directly.

I will be blindly substituting different units from the versions to
isolate what causes the problem.  A somewhat time consuming process,
but it should arrive at an answer.

This problem does seem to occasionally just pack up and leave town.
Perhaps related to having a RESTART.BIN file created from a stable
version or something.

This will be a great bug to talk about - in the past tense.


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