[TRLog] The elusive TRmaster

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
9 Dec 1999 05:12:02 -0000

> Hi everybody.  I have finally gotten up-to-date on TR.  I feel like I can
> take a stab at some buggs.
> causes the program to halt.  TR version 6.46 thinks this is an invalid
> statement.

That would be TUNE WITH DITS = TRUE

> Although my CFG file includes the statements
> and 
> QUICK QSL MESSAGE = <message here>
> when I use the ] key to log the contact all the computer sends is "R"
> instead of what is in <message here>.

] is already defined as the TAIL END KEY.  You will need to redefine
the TAIL END KEY to something else before you can use the ] character
for something else.

> Could someone explain the RADIUS OF EARTH command?  Am I missing something?

Some people (in Europe) like to use a standard value of this that might
be different than the default that I have put it.  I put that there
so people could adjust it if necessary.  It is used for the beam heading,
sunrise/sunset and distance between grid calculations.


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